Liszt: The Roger Daltry of Early Music
Eun Sun KimPhoto by Nikolaj Lund Music is always radical. No matter what kind, be it classical, contemporary, blues, jazz, or pop, music takes us places words and images cannot. This weekend, [...]
Eun Sun KimPhoto by Nikolaj Lund Music is always radical. No matter what kind, be it classical, contemporary, blues, jazz, or pop, music takes us places words and images cannot. This weekend, [...]
Mélanie LéonardPhoto by Westmount Photography - Robert Provencher This weekend, fabulous Maestra Mélanie Léonard returns to the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra stage! She was the Resident and then Associate Conductor of the CPO [...]
Josh Groban and Sting doing the hula? Not quite — but with Maestra Sarah Hicks' chops they might yet! The stunningly multi-talented Hicks has the kind of kudos under her belt most conductors would [...]
JoAnn FallettaPhoto by David dam Beloff Calgary. November. Think hot! Barcelona! Spain! Guitars! A warm evening full of luscious talent and incredible beauty! Welcome to the Jack Singer, the CPO and Maestra [...]
Gemma New Photo by Roy Cox I had the pleasure of attending Maestra Gemma New’s fabulous “Greatest Classical Hits” concert on 27 October — and it was a great classical hit! Conductor [...]
Photo: Fred Stucker We’ve started the season off with a wonderful selection of music and now, just in time for Halloween, comes the appropriately titled “A Little Night Music.” The Brussa Brava! [...]
The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra’s may be in between Seasons, but that doesn’t mean that the music stops! Follow along with our 'CPO in the Summer' blog posts for more updates on what some of [...]
The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra’s may be in between Seasons, but that doesn’t mean that the music stops! Follow along with our 'CPO in the Summer' blog posts for more updates on what some of [...]
The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2017-18 season may have finished in June, but that doesn’t mean that the music stops! Follow along with our “CPO in the Summer” blog posts for more updates on what [...]
The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2017-18 season may have finished in June, but that doesn’t mean that the music stops! Follow along with our “CPO in the Summer” blog posts for more updates on what [...]