Utilizing themes and scores from all periods of music history, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra education concerts provide entertainment for children and chaperones alike. Performers hold multiple concerts each year designed to educate children ranging in ages from six through 12. The shows tie into different classroom teachings, and a curriculum guide will be presented to all educators. Don’t miss out on this year’s line-up!
The Hockey Sweater
Running February 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th, this concert brings a classic fairy tale to life while tying into curriculums like music, social studies and art. The Hockey Sweater, written by Roch Carrier, uses winter-themed classical music to explore Canada’s Confederation anniversary that will take place in July of 2017.
Music in the Key of Life
Using a mix of well-known songs and modern pop melodies, this show strives to show children the importance of harmony. This orchestral symbolism is applied to the students’ lives, and it explores the ways that music can evoke emotion. The CPO designed this concert’s curriculum around music and health and wellness. It will run April 20th, 25th and 26th.
Students can attend the education concerts at two showings each day, 10–10:50 a.m. and 11:20 a.m.–12:10 p.m. All concerts are performed at the Taylor Centre for the Performing Arts. They are available for public, private, separate, charter and home schools.