Accessibility + Hearing Assistance


We offer accessible parking and seating, and hearing assistance.

We want everyone’s visit to our home to be easy and comfortable.

Wheelchair access is available at the Jack Singer Concert Hall and Centre Court entrances, and accessible seating is available in the Orchestra and Mezzanine sections on the main floor of the Jack Singer Concert Hall. Accessible tickets are available by calling 403.571.0849 and are reserved for those in a wheelchair, walker, or scooter that do not require a physical seat. You will be provided a complimentary companion ticket free of charge. To purchase accessible tickets for concerts at the Jubilee Auditorium, please visit Accessible washrooms are also available throughout the building.

The Arts Commons parkade has designated parking spaces available, but the parkade fills up quickly, so we recommend arriving early. The City Hall parkade has a much larger capacity with many accessible parking stalls. Most times, there is Jack Singer Concert Hall access on the +15 level when you are arriving from the City Hall parkade. For more details, call 403.537.7000 or go to


Arts Commons has informed us that the escalators in the Jack Singer Concert Hall will remain out of service due to unforeseen structural issues. We have been assured that the repair is a priority and will be done as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience. Patrons sitting in the Upper Circle and Balcony levels will have stair access only this weekend. Patrons sitting in Dress Circle Level can take the elevator located behind Cravings Bistro and walk to the concert hall on the +15 level (see map here).

Please call our Box Office at 403.571.0849 if you have any questions or require assistance.

Jack Singer Concert Hall also offers a hearing assistance program and uses two types of hearing assistance equipment: Stethoset (works independently from hearing aids) and Personal Induction Loop (connects wirelessly with your personal hearing aid).

If you’re interested in using our hearing assistance technology, please talk to an Usher or Front of House Manager when you arrive.